Region VII Planning & Development Council (Region VII) was the sub-recipient of a WV Office of Broadband award to assist in data collection for the development of the State's Digital Equity (DE) and Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Plans. Region VII will hold a meeting to update the public on the State's BEAD/DE progress...
Join Mrs. Bobbi for our Pre-school story times on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.! There will be stories to read and a craft to do. All ages are welcome, as long as they can sit still and listen to a story! The craft is aimed at 4 year old children, but younger children can participate.
Join Mrs. Bobbi for our Pre-school story times on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.! There will be stories to read and a craft to do. All ages are welcome, as long as they can sit still and listen to a story! The craft is aimed at 4 year old children, but younger children can participate.
Join Mrs. Bobbi for our Pre-school story times on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.! There will be stories to read and a craft to do. All ages are welcome, as long as they can sit still and listen to a story! The craft is aimed at 4 year old children, but younger children can participate.
Join Mrs. Bobbi for our Pre-school story times on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.! There will be stories to read and a craft to do. All ages are welcome, as long as they can sit still and listen to a story! The craft is aimed at 4 year old children, but younger children can participate.