The benefits of a seed lending library are many: it is a way to have fun, build community with fellow gardeners, and support people who are new to the world of gardening. It also preserves rare, open-pollinated or heirloom seeds and encourages gardeners to save quality seeds that are suitable for your local growing area.
Upshur County Public Library’s Seed Library is now open and available whenever the Library is open! We have seeds for herbs, vegetables & fruits, and flowers available! Feel free to try a new variety of plant in your home garden.
You may take up to 10 packets at a time per visit. This limit is in place initially while we build up our stock, but the goal for the library is that as more seeds are donated to the Seed Library, we will be able to reduce or remove the limit on number of seeds you can take. Donations back to the garden are not required to access and use the Seed Library, but very much appreciated as the entire stock for the Seed Library has been donated to us. We are most looking for flowering plant and heirloom variety seeds of any sort currently. We ask that any donated seeds use the Donation Form so that we can get as much information about the seeds as we can to help people who take the seeds to grow!