About Your Library Card
You must always have your library card in order to checkout materials. Your library card is also good at any WVLN library throughout 33 counties in West Virginia!
- When applying for a library card, you must present a photo ID and a proof of address (if you have a current and up-to-date driver’s license, that counts for both). You should have the name and telephone number of a person who does not live at your address when applying for a card for an emergency contact.
- Library card applications should be filled out in the library in order to receive a card, unless the Library is present at a designated outreach event or the application is sent home via backpack mail from classes that are regularly visiting the library.
- Patrons may have one library card for all of the WVLN public libraries. Academic or State Libraries who are a part of WVLN may have a separate card for use only at their institutions. The first library card is free, replacement cards for adult patrons will cost $3.00. Replacement cards for juvenile patrons (until the patron is over 18) are free.
- Children under the age of 13 are required to have a parent or guardian bring the child requesting a card to the library and be present for the card to be created, unless the application is sent home via backpack mail from classes that are regularly visiting the library. Children ages 13-18 must have a parent or guardian sign their library card application, but do not have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian to create their card. All parents/guardians signing for minors must be library patrons in good standing, provided they have a library card.
- A library card cannot be issued to an agency, organization or department without an individual representing the agency, organization or department signing the card application and being responsible for the account.
- Library cards need to be renewed annually, so that we may verify current contact information.
- Patrons may request items from other libraries, however, if the other library agrees to send the item, a $3.50 fee will be assessed on the requesting patron’s account to cover the cost of mailing the item (fee is dependent on current postage rates, and the fee is waived for items from the Charles W. Gibson Library downtown). Please anticipate a response time of at least a week to two weeks for materials from libraries outside of Upshur County to be mailed here.
- A library card is all you need to be able to access our electronic collection through WVReads! See the WVReads page for more information.
Loan Periods
All materials check out for 28 days with the following exceptions:
- New books – 14 days (have a yellow 14 day sticker on the spine)
- Audiobooks – 14 days
- Jigsaw Puzzles – 14 days
- WiFi Hotspots – 7 days
- DVDs – 7 days (borrowers must be 18 years of age) – limit 5 DVDs per person having a card for longer than one year (3 for new patrons less than a year old).
- WV Contractor’s books and Study Guides – 7 days (indicated on book spine) WV Contractor’s books, Nursing study guides, ASVAB, and GED books require a deposit that is refunded when the books are returned.
You will be given a receipt at the time of checkout showing when items are due, and may also call or check your account online to see when items are due. As of 2021, overdue notices are only sent via email, please provide your current, working email address if you wish to receive them. If more than two overdue notices have been sent to the patron via email, a billed notice for the full price of replacing the book will be mailed.
- Any item may be renewed two times if another patron has not placed a reserve on the item.
- Items may be renewed at the circulation desk, online or by phone.
- Books – $.10 per day (maximum of $5.00 per book). Fines are not charged on paperback books unless indicated by a stamp on the first page of the book.
- DVDs and Audiobooks – $1.00 per day (maximum of $10.00 per video)
- WiFi Hotspots – $1.00 per day (maximum of $10.00)
Every Wednesday is a Fine Free Day. Any materials that are billed or overdue that are returned within the library or in the library’s book drop overnight will not have fines assessed. This will not count towards fines that were already on the patron’s library card.
Patrons with charges totaling $5.00 or more will not be able to check out until after the charges have been reduced below $5.00.
Lost or Damaged & Replacement Materials

Patrons are responsible and accountable for costs, fees, and fines for all library materials checked out on their library card. Children may receive a library card when they turn four (4) years old. Parents/Legal guardians are responsible for library materials checked out by their children.
If library materials are lost, stolen, or damaged severely enough to require withdrawal from the collection, the patron on whose card the material was checked out, or the patron assuming responsibility for the child on whose card said material was checked out will be charged the list price of the material at the time of library purchase as noted in the item(s) record(s).
- Recognizing that the library is a publicly funded institution, this price covers the cost of the material and any other expenses required to return the material to circulation. There will be no refund on lost material if said material is found after payment has been made.
- If the material(s) in question has no price in the record or are published more than five years ago, a default price will be billed as follows:
- Mass market and juvenile/YA paperback books – $5.00
- Trade paperback books – $10.00
- Hardcover books – $15.00
- Large print books – $20.00
- DVDs – $10.00
- Audiobooks – $7.99 per disc missing/damaged, or if unable to replace individual discs, $35.00
- West Virginia local interest/genealogy material – Price to be determined by library administration.
- Kits – price depends on item(s) missing from kit
- Items such as DVDs or kits that contain missing or incomplete pieces will remain checked out on a patron’s card until the item is paid for in total or the missing parts are returned. Library staff will contact the patron via phone or email to request the return of the missing part(s). Overdue fines and fees will continue to accrue until the item is made whole.
- Patrons have the option to purchase replacement copies of lost or damaged items to be in lieu of remuneration to the library. All replacements must be approved by a member of library administration BEFORE the replacement copy is purchased. The replacement copy must be exactly identical to the damaged item (same ISBN, edition, etc.) and must be in like new or better condition. The replacement copy will be subject to review by our library staff before the fee is waived.