Scheduled holidays for the Upshur County Public Library may be found below for 2023:
HolidayDateDay of Week
New Year's DayJanuary 1, 2024Monday
Martin Luther King Jr. DayJanuary 15, 2024Monday
President's DayFebruary 19, 2024Monday
Spring BreakMarch 29-30, 2024Friday & Saturday
Ramp DinnerApril 12, 2024 (close at 2:00)Friday
Jr. Royalty ParadeMay 17, 2024 (close
at 5:00)
Strawberry FestivalMay 18, 2024Saturday
Memorial DayMay 27, 2024Monday
JuneteenthJune 19, 2024Wednesday
West Virginia DayJune 20, 2024Thursday
Independence DayJuly 4, 2024Thursday
Labor DaySeptember 2, 2024Monday
Columbus DayOctober 14, 2024Monday
Veteran's DayNovember 11, 2024Monday
Thanksgiving BreakNovember 28, 2024-November 30, 2024Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Christmas BreakDecember 24-December 26, 2024Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
New Year's EveDecember 31 (Close at 1:00, unless changed by Governor)Tuesday

We also will follow state government closures due to proclamations by the Governor as well as closures of state & county offices caused by severe inclement weather.  There will also be one day each year we are closed for staff continuing education sessions, but this date changes each year.  Please pay attention to our Facebook page for any unscheduled closure notices and reopening notifications.